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60+ sarcastic quotes about ungrateful people who do not deserve you

People do not always appreciate what they receive, and their lack of gratitude does not motivate the benefactor to help them again. Sarcastic quotes about ungrateful people can help you express displeasure with such individuals.

Gratefulness is among the rarest human virtues, although it is the most needed. Taking other people's kindness for granted has been happening since the beginning of time, but human fault should not prevent people from helping thankless humanity.

Quotes about ungrateful friends

What do you say to someone who is ungrateful? You cannot force anyone to appreciate what you do for them, but these quotes will help you handle such situations;

1. An ungrateful man is like a hog under a tree eating acorns but never looking up to see where they come from. Timothy Dexter

2. Protect your peace. Remove yourself from the space of thankless people. Sometimes people do not learn to respect you until you are no longer around for them to disrespect you. Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

3. There is no vice greater than that of ingratitude. Unknown

4. You will never see a happy ungrateful person. Zig Ziglar

5. Man is, beyond dispute, the most excellent of created beings, and the vilest animal is a dog, but the sages agree that a grateful dog is better than an ungrateful man. Saadi

6. An ungrateful man is a tub full of holes. Latin Proverb

7. The saddest of all hearts is one without gratitude. Tom Krause

8. Ingratitude is the essence of vileness. Immanuel Kant

9. The most extraordinary kindness will not bind the unappreciative. Aesop

10. Every seed is the root of ungratefulness. Lailah Gifty Akita

11. People do not remember the million times you have helped them, only the one time you did not. Unknown

12. Learn to give your absence to those who do not appreciate your presence. Unknown

13. A complaining tongue reveals an ungrateful heart. William Arthur Ward

14. Ingratitude is monstrous, and for the multitude to be ungrateful, we are to make a monster of the multitude. Shakespeare

15. Ingratitude is always a kind of weakness. I have never known men of the ability to be ungrateful. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sad but true disappointed quotes for an ungrateful person

It is natural to be disappointed when you support an unappreciative person. These disappointed quotes perfectly summarize such feelings;

16. A grateful person is rich in contentment. An ungrateful person suffers in the poverty of endless discontentment. David A. Bednar

17. Thanks to all the thankless and ungrateful people in my life. You made me realize wasting my words on you is just a futile move and made me discern I was foolish to let you take me for granted. Neha Fazal

18. Someone who pretends not to have received it is ungrateful. Someone who fails to repay it is unappreciative, but the most thankless of all is the person who forgets that he received it. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

19. Ungrateful are those who wish their life away, turn their backs on others, waste and horde, and take advantage of the weak. Karalyne Maglinte

20. If you have a billion dollars and are ungrateful, you are a poor man. If you have very little but are grateful for what you have, you are truly rich. Tony Robbins

21. Do not be ungrateful about the little things people have done for you with an excuse of how poorly you think they have done it. A favour is a favour as long as it has good intentions. Maduabuchukwu Prestine Akaeze

22. Unhappiness is a contagious disease caused by a chronic deficiency of gratitude. Mokokoma Mokhonoana

23. If you heal a person's leg, do not be surprised if they use it to run away. African Proverb

24. To do good to the thankless is to throw rosewater into the sea. Latin Proverb

25. Sometimes people do not realize what they have, but I am sure they will realize what they have lost. Anthony Barger

26. It is another's fault if he is ungrateful, but it is mine if I do not give. To find one thankful man, I will oblige a great many that are not so. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

27. People are so ungrateful and inconsiderate. It irritates me because I do not mind doing favours, but I hate being taken for granted. Unknown

28. I do not regret the things I did wrong; I regret the good things I did for the wrong people. Unknown

29. You need to stop doing things for someone when you find out it is expected rather than appreciated. Unknown

30. No matter how often you have been kind to the ungrateful, as soon as you say no to them, all they remember is your refusal. Abdulbary Yahya

Ungrateful family quotes

Family members often take one's kindness for granted. These quotes address such behaviours;

31. How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child. Shakespeare

32. It is no tragedy to do ungrateful people favours, but it is unbearable to be indebted to a scoundrel. Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld

33. Staying with some who does not appreciate you is not called loyalty; it is stupidity. Unknown

34. Why should I cumber myself with regrets that the receiver is not capacious? It never troubles the sun that some of its rays fall wide and vain into ungrateful space and only a small part on the reflecting planet. Let your greatness educate the crude and cold companion. Ralph Waldo Emerson

35. They could never make me hate you. Even though what you were doing was not tasteful, even though you are out here looking so ungrateful. I will keep moving and be classy and graceful. Nicki Minaj

36. He who shows kindness to an ungrateful person sets his seal to a flint and sows his seed upon the sand; on the former, he makes no impression, and from the latter finds no product. Robert South

37. Sometimes the situation is only a problem because it is looked at in a certain subjective, negative, and ungrateful way. Edward de Bono

38. You are sad in the midst of every blessing. Take care that fortune does not observe, or she will call you thankless. Martial

39. A man is perhaps ungrateful but often less chargeable with ingratitude than his benefactor is. Francois De La Rochefoucauld

40. The belly is ungrateful; it always forgets we already gave it something. Unknown

Sarcastic unappreciative quotes

When people are ungrateful, it makes the person doing good question their kindness. These quotes will help you understand them;

41. Who lives in true poverty, the janitor who is grateful for the chocolate chip pancakes his six-year-old helped him prepare for dinner or the CEO who is ungrateful for the type of wine served with his 5-star meal? Julia Rose

42. I have too many flaws to be perfect, but I have too many blessings to be ungrateful. Zig Ziglar

43. In every class of society, gratitude is the rarest of all human virtues. Wilkie Collins

44. One unappreciative person does an injury to all needy people. Publilius Syrus

45. All happy people are grateful. Thankless people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to complain, but it is truer to say that complaining makes people unhappy. Dennis Prager

46. Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had. Unknown

47. When we become negative and unappreciative, it is important to remember we have met the enemy; and he is us. Walt Kelly

48. It is impossible to bring more into your life if you are feeling ungrateful about what you have because the thoughts and feelings you emit as you feel ungrateful are all negative emotions. Rhonda Byrne

49. Often, our good deeds make enemies for us, and the ungrateful person despises us on two counts; for he is not only unwilling to acknowledge the gratitude he owes us: he does not want to have his benefactor as a witness to his thankless behaviour. Madeleine de Souvre

50. Isn't it better to have men being ungrateful than to miss a chance to do good? Denis Diderot

51. Every time I appoint someone to a vacant position, I make a hundred unhappy and one ungrateful. Unknown

Religious quotes about ungrateful people

How do you address unappreciative people from a religious perspective? Here are some popular quotes;

52. And He gives you all that you ask Him; and if you count Allah's favours, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very unjust and ungrateful. Quran

53. And when distress afflicts you in the sea, away go those whom you call on except He; but when He brings you safely to land, you turn aside; and man is ever ungrateful. Quran

54. And when a wave like mountains covers them, they call upon Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience, but when he brings them safely to the land, some of them follow the middle course; and none denied Our signs but every perfidious, ungrateful one. Quran

55. If we should cease to be generous and charitable because another is sordid and ungrateful, it would be much in the power of vice to extinguish Christian virtues. Roger L'Estrange

56. God gave us minds to think with and hearts to thank with. Instead, we use our hearts to think about the world as we would like it to have been, and we use our minds to devise rationalizations for our ingratitude. We are murmuring, discontented, unhappy, and unappreciative people. And because we think we want salvation from our discontents. Douglas Wilson

57. What a glorious world Almighty God has given us. How thankless and ungrateful we are, and how we labour to mar his gifts. Robert E. Lee

58. Enough is not only as good as a feast but is all that the greatest glutton can truly enjoy. This is all that we should expect; a craving for more than this is ungrateful. When our Father does not give us more, we should be content with his daily allowance. Charles Spurgeon

59. One of the main reasons that we lose our enthusiasm in life is that we become ungrateful; we let what was once a miracle become common to us. We get so accustomed to His goodness that it becomes a routine. Joel Osteen

60. Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good. Proverbs 17:13

61. He that forgets his friend is ungrateful to him, but he that forgets his Saviour is unmerciful to himself. Unknown

62. Never let ungrateful remarks prevent you from doing what is right. Let God be the judge. Unknown

63. Ungratefulness is worse than cancer; it eats away at your soul, blinding your heart and eyes to the beauty and miracles that are all around us daily. Geraldine Vermaak

The above sarcastic quotes about ungrateful people reveal how unappreciation is one of the greatest human weaknesses. Individuals always feel the need to have more and better things.

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